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35+ Sample Appreciation Letters

Appreciation is a good gesture that works like a morale booster. Life provides us many chances to show our gratitude while appreciating others, sending appreciation letter is indeed a good way to consider what others have done for you.  You can download dozens of sample appreciation letters in this page. A letter of appreciation is written to acknowledge the efforts of person, for the good deed or a work done, it not only shows the element of courtesy and etiquette but is a significant way to make a positive impression.

Letters of appreciation are of two types: personal letter and official letters. Official letters can be written to government, politicians, customers, employees, employers, in response to invitation to business, thanking for a favor, or for the services one has rendered to you. An appreciation letter should be drafted in a way that it should reflect your regard for what others have done for you, the tone of the letter should be warm and showing applause, gratitude and sincerity. We do hope that you will like these free sample appreciation letters.

Though business letters should be written in a formal way but tone should be the same. A formal letter of appreciation should be typed, whereas; a personal letter can be handwritten. The letter should be having date, salutations and it should be properly drafted. The reason of writing a letter should be clearly mentioned, a detail of what has been done by the person whom you are writing, how worthy the effort is and how much you value it. Selection of words must be proper, showing your belief that the favor is being highly appreciated. A well written and well drafted letter can be a best answer to someone’s great efforts or gift for you. A letter of appreciation should be written as early as possible as it is a token of your gratefulness and thankfulness. Conclude your letter in a grateful and gratifying manner. You can also find some samples of letter of appreciation annexed with this template for your ease.

Find Sample Appreciation Letters Below:

Appreciation Letter For Contribution

appreciation letter 10 download now

Appreciation Letter To Employee

appreciation letter 20 download now

Appreciation Letter For Honesty

appreciation letter 30 download now

Appreciation Letter For Good Work

appreciation letter 40 download now

Appreciation Letter For Excellent Job

appreciation letter 50 download now

Appreciation Letter On Achievement

appreciation letter 60 download now

Follow Up Letter after Thank You Letter:

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Appreciation letter template:

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Appreciation Letter to Boss:

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Employee Appreciation Letter:

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Pastor Appreciation Letter:

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Sample Thank You Letter:

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Reply to Appreciation Letter:

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Colleague/Employee Appreciation Letter Answer:

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Office Appreciation Letter:

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Internship Appreciation Letter:

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Thank you letter for Gift:

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Nurse Appreciation Letter:

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Interview Appreciation Letter:

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Teacher Appreciation Letter:

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Customer Service Appreciation Letter:

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Sponsorship Appreciation Letter:

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Job Well Done Appreciation Letter:

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Scholarship Donor Appreciation and thank you letter:

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Donation Thank you letter:

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Thank you letter of Appreciation:

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Teachers appreciation letter to Principal:

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Performance Appreciation Letter:

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Client Appreciation Letter:

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Job Appreciation Letter:

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Appreciation services thank you letter:

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Appreciation Letter From Manager

appreciation letter 70

Appreciation Letter To Employees

appreciation letter 80 download now

Employee Appreciation Letter

appreciation letter 90

Appreciation Letter Format

appreciation letter 100

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